Also, even if you have wireless ones, it's hard to walk around in your home without dropouts, plus you'll have something heavy on your head or at least in your ears. The drawback of course is that headphones isolate you from the world and are anti-social. It's not possible to listen to music on speakers inside a coffee shop or on the bus. Many models also feature noise cancelation or at least noise suppression so that you can tune out the world and concentrate really well on the music, or another task that you might be working on. Headphones are great when you want privacy.
Obviously the biggest difference between headphones and speakers is the fact that one is limited to just your ears and the other makes sound in a room. But are there some things that eac h is missing out on? We think so! Rarely will one group switch to the other side. Some people swear by headphones, others swear by speakers. The battle between headphone and speaker listeners has been waging for almost 100 years.